April 22, 2018

A 52 Week Autobiography Through Music – Week 16 – The Residents

A 52 Week Autobiography Through Music - Week 16 - The Residents from Pancycle on Vimeo.

Thinking back to when I was 14 or 15 I am surprised at how quickly I took to the residents. I chalk it up to the accessibility of Tunes of Two Cities, the first of their albums I heard. There was something light about it (at least about the half that was the Mole’s Music) and listening to that album first made me a Residents fan and therefor made me willing to listen to their other records. The early albums are pretty dark, dissonant and of dubious recording quality yet the creativity is astounding. These guys - whoever they are/were are fearless. Although the music is odd and challenging I had already been exposed to enough challenging music before that I was able to sense when something was done with a clear intention and creative spirit and in that sense was worth paying attention to. I loved the Residents for being the thing that didn’t fit anywhere within the other genres of music I listened to at the time, Their music stood very much on its own for me - and still does.



2 Responses to A 52 Week Autobiography Through Music – Week 16 – The Residents

  1. Patricia says:

    This post made me think about something commonly said about most 20th century opera: not a hummable tune in the whole composition. And then I thought, “wait; there IS a hummable tune: Constantinople.” But on further reflection, nope, no hummable. Chantable, though! And I like 20th century opera…

    • Pancycle says:

      Now now… What about Serenade for Missy? It is first in the playlist above. That and much of Tune of Two Cities is quite memorable especially the Mole’s Music – It is the Chubs who have the less hummable music out of those two but even then there are a few Chubs tunes that are fairly melodic. And you clearly are not remembering the Commercial Album which has 40 very hummable tunes!

      Thank you for turning me on to them! I really think Tunes of Two Cities is probably one of my 20 favorite albums of all time.

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