As I wrote in another post I have been working on new music and recording some acoustic instruments I have. One of these instruments is an Ngoni made for me by Mark Lupescu, a friend who lives in Barcelona and is the man behind Lupan Handpans
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I have the opportunity this week to work intensively on a new record I hope to release at the end of the year. Unlike my last record, Channels, this will be a combination of acoustic and electronic instruments and samples mostly consisting of recordings I made in Morocco on our 2 visits there. I hope…
I said yesterday that there would be new Halos arriving and indeed they came late yesterday afternoon. Pictured left is a Silver Spring. These are sort of a second phase of the New Era Halo which are polished and thus have a sheen that the previous batches did not. This batch of shells includes Equinox,…
Touching Souls can be purchased here: I might be a little late to the party writing about this album now after it has been out since late September last year but I have honestly just now taken the opportunity to really listen to the whole record. In a word it is captivating. Kabeçao’s technique…
This is a short video of a Hang that began life as a Free Integral but has now been tuned to C# integral. I had heard it before – it was out of tune and sounding bad. I told him often to just let me tune it but he wouldn’t do it out of fear…
Occasionally I have time to work out some new musical ideas. This is an updated version of the most recent tune featuring just a little minimal Halo playing.